
Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica, Science Fiction
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- Member Since
May 2020
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
20 August
- Profession
Tracy H Gilmore is a self proclaimed multi-tasker. Lover of all foods sweet, chocolate, flaky crusted and certified fanatic of written words.
Not much gets past her wild imagination and her need to exploit every detail. 'Dirty-minded' since high school, sexual anecdotes come easily for her. Merging real life situations to her characters is one way she helps them rise to the occasion to defend themselves, protecting the innocent and cause as much damage in between as possible. She can often be found with slips of papers in her pockets from ideas she jots down or in the kitchen creating a sweet masterpiece while her story unfolds.
She lives in Va with her husband and two children.